Philip Rahm International

How Plastic Shredders Are Used In The Recycling Process

Plastic shredders are one of the most important links in the recycling process, though many consumers have never heard of them. Synthetic waste is difficult to handle and is not biodegradable, so recycling keeps tons of trash from affecting the environment every year. However, before this waste can be repurposed into pellets, granules or powder, it must be reduced in size by a grinder. There are a number of machines available for this purpose and Philip Rahm’s models can meet the needs of any reclamation facility. This includes single, double and quad shaft designs.

A huge variety of materials can be processed by plastic shredders, including PVC, PE, HDPE and many other forms of synthetic material. Most models can also handle other forms of waste, like wood, glass, rubber or paper. They are also capable of grinding incredible amounts of waste every hour, so they rarely bottleneck processing efforts. Built-in safeguards also prevent dangerous items from damaging the machine. This is particularly helpful when a large hunk of metal threatens to wedge the rotors shut. If something like this occurs, the machine automatically shuts off, preserving the machine and keeping any dangerous kickback from harming nearby workers. In all, this makes these devices efficient and easy to maintain, so they are typically one of the most reliable machines in a reclamation facility. In fact, the only regular maintenance these devices normally require is replacement of worn down rotors or bearings. Other parts may need occasional maintenance, like the housing or output shaft.

Philip Rahm offers several plastic shredders that can fit into any facility’s needs. For synthetic waste, dual or quad shaft designs are usually the most effective. Dual shaft designs consist of two rotating shafts that are covered in teeth. Quad designs consist of four rotating shafts. While in operation, these teeth grab and pull waste through the rotors, quickly reducing the material to a fine, uniform output. These machines can handle most items, from bulk loads of aggregate waste (like bottles, packaging or toys) to large, bulky items (like tubing or PVC pipes). During operation, the shredder can be continuously fed material, so there is no need to start and stop processing.

Many reclamation facilities prefer to install more than one of these devices in a single production stream. The primary grinder can be set at slightly lower speeds so that it produces additional torque. This may be necessary for bulky items or particularly large loads of waste. However, at lower speeds these machines may not be able to reduce waste to manageable size with just a single pass. For this reason, a secondary grinder is placed further along the processing channel and spins at higher speeds. This will process any waste into a fine aggregate, which makes further processing much easier.

Since the 1890s, Philip Rahm has offered processing plants the latest in machinery technology. Since its humble beginnings as a milling machinery importer, Philip Rahm now services multiple industries with the finest processing machinery on the market. This technology can take a facility’s profitability to the next level while maintaining excellent efficiency and safety.